Good question! You pay your good money; you get updates.

For purchasers of the download package, you'll get a page of download instructions following verification of your payment. Just bookmark that page and come back any time to download the most recent update. If you lose your session during the download, just use the bookmark to get back to the download page and try it again. If you forgot to bookmark the page, eMail or telephone me and I'll give you the URL.

For purchasers of the CD, you'll get the URL for the download page with your CD. Just go to that page to download the most recent update. Or, just $6.00US will get US and Canada the latest version on a CD. For others the cost is $9.00US

Late Breaking News! Future updates/upgrades are supposed to be automatic, unless you turn off that feature in the Preferences dialog. But you can visit the site any time to check for yourself what the current version is, and get updated as well.

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Page Last Updated: 4/22/2024

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